Freelance Dive Instructor and Dive Guide in Bali, Indonesia

Menjangan Island

is part of the ‘West Bali National Park’ (Taman Nasional Bali Barat). The name means ‘Deer Island’

“Anker” Wreck (aka “Kapal Budak”, “Arak Wreck”) and Drop-off

Reef’s edge in front of Menjangan Island featuring two anchors and a piece of chain. From there down to the  “Anker Wreck” in 40 to 54 Metern depth, but you can get the best overview from 30 meters as visibility is mostly very good.
Level up along the wall, following the usually mild current.

Eel Garden (Garden Eels)

Shallow sandy bottom at 5-7 meters with coral bommies. A great place to end the ‘Anker Wreck’ dive at safety stop depth.

Pos 1, Pos 2

Two dive sites at the spectacular wall which forms the inner (southern)side of the island. Dense coral growth.

Pos 3

(update pending)

